Special Orders
Wedding or Baby Shower, School colors, Custom colors for gifts-- the way you want it!
I try to have a lot of variety of baskets that are ready to ship, deliver or pick up listed on this website ( and there are many, many more available! ) . If you see something that you like here but want it in a different color or a different size, please email handwovenbydesign@gmail.com and we can work something out to your satisfaction.
​Custom Orders:
In the event that several orders are active at the same time, the order whose details are finalized first will have the priority. realistic deadlines for completion and delivery/ shipping/ pickup will be communicated to you.
Work Time:
Typically it takes between four business days to a week to complete a basket, complete any sewing of shoulder straps, handles or cover, and dry it, so that it can be shipped, delivered or picked up
If, as we discuss, basket reed might need to be dyed for your order, I will need 5 days to dye the reed before it can be used.
If a basket is going to be stained with oil base wood stain, the odor of stain goes away in about two weeks. The odor of clear spray paint goes away in about 3 days.
When the basket is complete and ready to be delivered to you, or be picked up by you, I will contact you by phone or email, according to the contact information that you furnish for me.
Communication and receipts:
If we discuss the order at a Craft Show I will provide for you a receipt detailing the order that we have discussed including deadline , means of delivery to you, and any pre- payment that you have given to me.
I do hope that it does not seem too long to go over the details of your custom order-- I want to go over the important details so that it is completed the way you want it.
For large, complicated designs, or new product lines that I do not feel I have mastered yet, I will realistically tell you what I can do, size and price wise.
For orders shipped in the mail,, an estimate for shipping costs can be researched upon request.
Upon payment, the basket will be shipped.
​Unclaimed Orders:
If, after five phone calls or emails the customer has not responded, I will place the special order up for general sale. Usually this time frame is 2 or 3 months.
​ For your happiness,
Handwoven by Design is here to help you!