Kitchen Essentials

Handy hanging fruit basket
Shaker cheese basket weave uses the strength of triangles and hexagons to make a durable, flexible kitchen basket.
This one has a square opening in the back for easy placement on the wall of the kitchen or pantry.
In addition, it is waterproofed for indoor or outdoor use. rinse with water if needs cleaning.
7 inches in diameter, 8 inches tall.
The hinged handle basket is available at the Long Family Market on October 10! Look at them in person and see if it wants to come home with you!

Pot- Luck pie tote
Autumn leaf colors chase themselves around this elegant tote basket. The handle folds down for storage, and swings up for hanging storage on the wall!
A nine- inch pie plate ( or round hot dish) fits inside. the five inch depth of the basket allows for heat- insulating towel as well!
11 inch circle, 7 inches tall with the handle folded down , 14 inches with handle up!

Horn of Plenty
A modern take on a cornucopia. It flares out with dense weaving structure. Sculpture and everyday use in one!
8 x 11 inches tall, 12 inches wide.